Prithviraj's latest 'Hero' opened to good opinions and initials today. The movie which started screening at 75 centres, a day later than the original schedules is opined as a good action flick by the First day First Show viewers.The movie has Prithvi as Tarzon Antony, a stunt dupe who is forced to make a come back to his profession following some pressures from unexpected corners.Sequences like Prithvi's introduction, film shooting scenes and action scenes of colony people are all lapped up by the viewers who seem to have appreciated the second half of the movie , more than its first.The songs, their picturisation and BGM are all opined to be other good highlights of the movie.Anoop Menon, Yami Gowtham and Thalasivaasal Vijy also fetch much applause in the movie, which is expected to fare safe at the Box Office.Director Deepan also impresses with a racy second half which is said to be the soul of the movie, telling a plot about stunt artists and dupes.
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