Prithviraj starrer, Urumi directed by Santhosh Sivan and featuring a huge star cast that includes Prabhu Deva, Arya, Genelia D'Souza, Tabu and Vidya Balan is all set to release in Tamil on May 25th. Vimal's film Ishtam which will see him sporting a brand new, sophisticated look is also set to hit the screens on the same date.
Urumi which is about an assassination attempt on Vasco da Gama spearheaded by Kelu Nayannar has already made a huge impact and has scooped up many awards at the National and International film circuits. Ishtam is a remake of the hit Telugu film, Yemaindi Ee Vela. Wishing both films the best of luck at the box office!
Urumi which is about an assassination attempt on Vasco da Gama spearheaded by Kelu Nayannar has already made a huge impact and has scooped up many awards at the National and International film circuits. Ishtam is a remake of the hit Telugu film, Yemaindi Ee Vela. Wishing both films the best of luck at the box office!
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