Johny Antony directed crime thriller - 'Masters' featuring Prithviraj and Sasikumar, managed a decent opening at the Kerala Boxoffice, grossing about 1.50 Crores from 64 theaters (1020 shows). The film reported Housefull status in most of the major release centers on Sunday evening and night shows. Masters is getting Above average - Positive reports from the critics as well as the paying public, and is slowly gaining momentum during the week days.
The cost of production of the film is around 4 Crores, and shall be recovered if the film has a good second week at the boxoffice, considering the satellite and other rights which it may fetch. The strategy of adding Sasikumar to the cast may have back fired in Kerala, but it is a big plus when the dubbed version of the movie releases in Tamil in May.
via @AllAboutPrithvi
The cost of production of the film is around 4 Crores, and shall be recovered if the film has a good second week at the boxoffice, considering the satellite and other rights which it may fetch. The strategy of adding Sasikumar to the cast may have back fired in Kerala, but it is a big plus when the dubbed version of the movie releases in Tamil in May.
via @AllAboutPrithvi
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