Sensational Vidya Balan, who recently made a brief and debut appearance in a Malayalam film Urumi, was reportedly approached by Malayalam director Amal Neerad to play a role in his next Arival Chuttika Nakshathram, starring Mammootty and Prithviraj. Sources said that the actress has shown interest towards the project.
Arival Chuttika Nakshathram, which marks the coming together of Mammootty and Prithviraj again after Pokkiri Raja, will commence its regular shooting next year.
The film, scripted by Shankar Ramakrishnan and produced by August Cinema, is said to be a period drama set in the pre-Independence era of the 1930s and 40s when the Communist movement started in Kerala. According to sources, Mammootty will play the hero, while Prithviraj is the villain. Gopi Sunder will compose the music for lyrics penned by Rafeeque Ahmed.
Arival Chuttika Nakshathram, which marks the coming together of Mammootty and Prithviraj again after Pokkiri Raja, will commence its regular shooting next year.
The film, scripted by Shankar Ramakrishnan and produced by August Cinema, is said to be a period drama set in the pre-Independence era of the 1930s and 40s when the Communist movement started in Kerala. According to sources, Mammootty will play the hero, while Prithviraj is the villain. Gopi Sunder will compose the music for lyrics penned by Rafeeque Ahmed.
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